Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a minor complaint

I'll post a minor complaint here, because I hear that's what blogs are for.

On the first day of talks students were greatly encouraged to ask questions and were indeed given priority. Admittedly we didn't exactly take the greatest advantage of this (save a few) and perhaps as such the focus of questions has shifted a bit. For instance, during Gail's talk today I attempted to ask a question twice with no luck. This was actually ok, because it took me off the hook and I can always ask the speaker later, but I figured I'd complain here anyways. As I said, isn't that at least half of blogs' purpose?

(In unrelated news, I picked up a new Portuguese phrase: Mas cashasa [misspelled due to lack of fancy characters] para nos! I'll leave the translation as an exercise for the student.)


  1. Point is well taken. Yes, that is what a blog is for. We will try to fix this.

  2. That is not right. I will try to fix it.


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